Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mind Games

Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline. Most age-related losses in memory or motor skills result from inactivity and a lack of mental exercise and stimulation. In short, use it or lose it.


Mahjong is a game that involves your cognitive domains such as attention, memory, calculation and planning. Extensive research has suggested that increased participation in cognitive activities is associated with a lower risk of dementia. One recent study of older people in China has found that those who regularly engaged in mentally stimulating activities such as mahjong had a reduced risk of cognitive impairment, while those who spent more time watching TV had an increased risk.

Rubik's cube

Solving the Rubik's cube requires several of your brain's cognitive abilities. Knowing directions helps one learn the patterns of solving the cube and practising the moves repeatedly, for an extended period of time, helps with a "muscle memory". Every time you try to solve the Rubik's cube, your mind will try to detect shortcuts, which in turn helps to speed up future attempts.

Crossword Puzzles

These black and white boxes are also called mental aerobics and are important part of a healthy lifestyle and can minimize your risk of developing Alzheimer's. Solving crossword puzzles on a regular basis keeps your brain young and avoids the phenomenon known as "brain-ageing".

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